From Library Media Specialist Tracey Cain:
Happy July to all the Riverside readers! Don’t forget to participate in the school’s summer reading program. There are a host of fun activities that students can undertake in order to complete the summer reading ‘bingo log.’
The lists have suggested titles that will appeal to readers at different levels. Remember that they are recommended titles, not required books. The important part is for students to be actively engaged in
reading by choosing a book or subject of interest to them.
Also, please send pictures of your student(s) progressing through the reading activities and, with your permission, we will post them. Please e-mail photos to: [email protected].
Below, please find recommended titles for students of varying age groups, as well as log to track Riversiders’ reading progress.
2020 Summer Reading List—Main Building (Mayer, Myers and Nagy) >>
2020 Summer Reading List—North Building (Hague and Shoop) >>
2020 Summer Reading List—Ticer Hall (Bushhouse, Estes and Sculthorpe) >>