Parents, Grandparents and Carpool Drivers:
Morning Drop-Off will still be in the front loop of the school by the flag poles. I or another adult will be standing in the loop to greet your child, and you may drop-off any time between 7:30 and 8 a.m. If you arrive at school after 8 a.m., you will need to park your car and walk your child into the front office for a tardy slip.
Afternoon Pick-Up will happen at Ticer Hall. Cars will no longer line up on McRae Road but will use Lancraft Drive, which circles through the St. Michael’s Church property. (This is the carline route used in the past by St. Michael’s School.)
The entrance to Lancraft Drive is directly to the left of the old main entrance of St. Michael’s School, and the road is flanked by two, white ‘One-Way’ signs. The car at the front of the line will stop at Ticer Hall, and we will use a colored one system to release students to their cars. Please arrange your back seat so that students may enter on the passenger side.
Thank You,
Hal Waller
Head of School
Riverside School
Please click here for a map of the new Riverside Carline route >>