Sessions Offering Insights Into Dyslexia Continue in November
Monday, November 5th, 2018

HAVE YOU EVER WONDERED what causes dyslexia, what its symptoms are, and what impact it has on your child or student? Riverside School has answers for you!

On Wednesday, November 28 (6:30-8:30 p.m.), we’re continuing our Subscriber Series. Our ‘Dyslexia Details’ session will cover the brain science behind dyslexia, how dyslexia is diagnosed, and what the symptoms and impacts of dyslexia are.

Click here to register and learn more

This is the second two-hour session of official AOGPE curriculum, which kicked off in October. In addition to the course in November, two more sessions will be held on January 16 and February 20. Together, the eight hours of sessions (October, November, January, and February) cover the entire Subscriber level curriculum. Attendance at all four sessions qualifies attendees to hold Subscriber Membership with the Academy (

The Subscriber Sessions are led by Cynthia Davis, a Fellow with the Academy. The sessions are being offered and advertised to area professionals; however they are FREE for Riverside parents and grandparents.


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